How to Receive Cell Phone Calls Overseas Without Paying Hefty International Roaming Charges?

Everyone knows how expensive international roaming of North American wireless services can be, even when you’re just receiving calls or listening to voice mail overseas. For example, if you’re traveling to China, instead of getting charged around $2.00 per minute when you receive a roaming call, you will only pay $0.022 when your U.S. cell phone number is forwarded to a China local SIM using OneSuite Forwarding. That’s a 90% saving on international roaming!
Up to $12+ in bonus values when you recharge! Our gift to you
OneSuite Video: OneSuite does that, that AND that?
I didn’t know that!
But it’s true, OneSuite doesn’t just give you great cheap international calling, we offer so much more as well.
And that’s why we’re here to give you a lightening fast 90 sec run down of what other telecom services we offer. Here’s the video! (Feel free to share our amazing pricing with your friends!)
OneSuite Toll-Free Fax Line Starting at 4.4¢ Per Page
OneSuite Fax is great with unlimited incoming fax and low outbound rates. Would you like to further muscle up your internet fax account, and promote business opportunities, by offering a toll-free fax line?
Travel with U.S., Canada Number Worldwide
Would you like to travel overseas and still be reached by a U.S. or Canada number? And avoid the high international roaming charge from you wireless service provider when you’re abroad? With OneSuite Forwarding, you can affordably subscribe a local number at $2.95/month, to forward all your calls to any international destination. This way, callers can reach you at local-call cost, and the forwarding rates are incredibly low.
Make Your Calls Follow You Worldwide
Have you used a call forwarding service? Well I haven't until recently when I subscribed to OneSuite Forwarding service. You see I always travel in and out of the country. My job requires constant travel to Asia and Europe and I usually activate roaming on my mobile phone before but the high cost prompts me to always look for better alternatives. Mobile roaming is very expensive. Calls at $2 a minute are pretty normal.
Cut Your Toll-Free Service Expenses
How Can OneSuite Call Forwarding Assist Your Business Growth? Series II
Toll-Free customer service is a double-edged sword. You want to provide it to your customers so they won’t hesitate to contact you, generating more business opportunities and offering better service. On the other hand, the more your customers call you, the higher your operating expense becomes. Got a solution?
Portable Business for Company Size of 1-3
How Can OneSuite Call Forwarding Assist Business Growth? Series I Businesses are always trying to find new ways to increase their business opportunities and increase bottom line. I think OneSuite Forwarding is just one of those great services that can assist you to achieve just that. So I’ve decided to start sharing my ideas through this blog series.
Call Forwarding, Toll-Free Option Available
Travel much? Would you like to have the flexibility of routing all your calls/faxes to different traveling destination numbers? Our new product offering, OneSuite Forwarding, makes all your calls/faxes follow you worldwide, at only $2.95/month, and incredibly low forwarding rates.